Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Join us at 830 am for Eucharist and the lighting of the new fire or at 1030 am for Eucharist and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows. At both Services we will yell out all the Alleluias we have been holding back all Lent.

Welcome Back Sunday

Save the Date!

Welcome Back Sunday, September 11th! – Worship! Sing! Dance! Food! We are looking forward to celebrating our Church Family!

There will be two services – 8:30am and 10:30am. The 10:30am service will be followed by a Potluck! Hotdogs and Covid-19 friendly food options will be available! Please bring along a salad or dessert to add to the potluck offerings! The Rector and Music Director have challenged one another to a Sing/Dance Off! Come and cheer on these two as they see who can create the most fun! 

Nature & Nurture

Each day we will be posting a new photo on our Facebook page and asking you to suggest a scripture verse or inspirational quote that speaks to you when you view the image. We will choose one of the inspirations and post the picture and inspiration on our Webpage. The quotes have all been great so far and the choice has been tough. We look forward to more people joining in and making the choice even harder. We love to see different pictures from people!  Please send along any picture you have taken that you would love to have posted.  Also, if you can’t think of a scripture or inspirational quote, even a word about how it makes you feel!  We love participation! Use these as a daily prayer, a thought for the day, or a blessing in the moment.

The Hate U Give

Join us on January 16, 2021 for a movie and discussion afternoon 1pm. We will be watching “The Hate U Give” and will be following with a discussion on the movie and how it relates to the racism we are seeing not only today but building up from the past. We will also discuss how we can make a difference in our community. Due to Covid-19, there will be a limit of 20 people, please contact the office (902-462-1818) to reserve your spot.

Christmas Poinsettia Update

In gratitude for your generosity over the years and in recognition of our “interesting” times, the Altar Guild will not be collecting donations towards flowers for this Christmas. Instead we invite you to consider forwarding your generosity to the PWRDF Campaign for a donkey and to the Christmas Outreach program.

The Altar Guild is always grateful for your support of our ministry over the years and we choose this year to support your remembrances by purchasing poinsettias on your behalf from the flower fund. As many of your remembrances have remained the same over the years, we will use last year’s bulletin. If you wish to make a change/ addition or to be reminded of what was there please email Carole Aylard and she will make those changes for you.

Church Calendars

Several2021 church calendars are still available for $7.00.  If you would like a calendar, please call Brenda Tucker at 902-462-7006. She will ensure that you get it.


Our PWRDF project this year will be to raise money to buy donkeys! In Kenya they are used for carrying water …….precious water from a well, like the one we bought last year!

Some families still have to travel a distance to get to the wells. A donkey can carry four times the weight that a person can, so they are often given to older people to make the journey easier. Your gift will go towards providing a strong-backed donkey to shoulder cans of fresh, clean water from the well to home.

Perhaps you’d like to “pin a tail on a donkey” by making a donation! You can donate by cash or a cheque in an envelope to be mailed to the church or dropped off at the church. Donations can also be made online where you just click on FUND and scroll to PWRDF.  Look for more information as to how donkeys enrich many lives next week!

Rachel Maclean Concert

Are you are looking for some joy and uplifting music to cheer and warm your heart? Then please accept a warm and welcomed invitation to the second annual Rachel Maclean Concert:

At the Church of Saint Andrew
Friday, December 4th, 2020 at 7pm
Tickets are $10.00

Please note: A registration/sign up will be sent out shortly. As there will be no physical ticket sales this year, once you’ve registered for the concert, payment for the concert tickets should be either mailed into the church office, or by placing your payment on the offering plate at one of the November church services. All concert monies should be placed in a separate envelope, marked “Rachel MacLean concert”, along with your full name and phone number. Please consider purchasing a ticket, and to help bring about some much needed cheer, enjoyment, and peace during these trying times.

Welcome Back!

Our first in-person service is Sunday, July 19. Please contact the office (902) 462-1818 for information on seating and availability.

We would like you to keep I mind we are returning as safe as possible with the following guidelines in place:

  • If you feel unwell, please stay home.
  • We will require the use of a mask
  • Physical distancing must take place in the parking lot, upon entering the building and within the church walls. Exiting the building will also take place with physical distancing.
  • You will be checked off on our list upon arrival and guided by a greeter to your seat.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available for use and encouraged.
  • We ask that you stay seated unless using the restroom.
  • Children will always need to stay with their family bubble.
  • There will be no prayer books, hymn books or bulletins available in the church. The bulletin will be online as usual, and you are encouraged to print it at home and bring it along with you. (It must leave with you.) If you own a prayer book, you are more than welcome to bring it with you.